FIVE ideas TO help students ON results DAY

results day will soon be upon us. For lots of students across the country, it will mark the end of one journey and the start of a new one. a lot of will get the grades they want and be rewarded for the lots of hours of revision and hard work. but some will fall short of their expectations and have to make crucial decisions about what to do next. teachers are typically the first point of call to help navigate this tough moment.

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Here’s what your students need to know:

Failure need not be fatal

There is a wonderful scene in Charlie Wilson’s war where Philip Seymour Hoffman tries to describe to a rather drunk and jubilant Tom Hanks that it is a mistake to get too high after a success or too low after a failure, as you can never be sure what either will lead to.

For lots of students, disappointing exam results may well be life-altering, but they need not be life-defining. It may even be the making of them.

Those who have experienced some setbacks in their life typically do better under pressure than those who haven’t been fully tested, Camiseta Sport Club Internacional suggests recent research. teachers must encourage students to reflect on how well they prepared for their exams, what they would do differently next time and what they want to achieve in the future – regardless of what grades they achieve.


A sense of perspective

Keeping a sense of perspective is vital to success, according to a recent study on student resilience. The crucial is to consider the big picture as well as the small details. keeping the end goal in mind will help students to stay motivated if their results weren’t what they were hoping for, while concentrating on the next steps helps maintain focus.

Keeping a sense of perspective is also helped by being flexible. “The human capacity for problem is like a bamboo – far a lot more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance,” writes Jodi Picoult in My Sister’s Keeper. encouraging students to be adaptable is a life skill that pays dividends long after results day is over.


Positive visualisation may not help

Most self-help or pop psychology books encourage people to visualise their dream outcome as a way of managing any nerves or doubts. but when researchers from the university of California put this to the test, they found that those who Camiseta Club Tijuana visualised a positive outcome were a lot more likely to report higher levels of anxiety. similar studies have found that students who visualise their dream job after school were less likely to receive a high number of job offers and were paid less once in employment.

Excessive time spent fantasising about an optimal outcome can typically lead to being ill-equipped to manage setbacks. calculated planning around “hoping for the best but planning for the worst” will make sure a balanced technique and reassure students that they have a back-up plan. students must go into results day knowing the potential implications of different results and with a clear plan of action of who to call if they haven’t achieved their goals.


View decisions as active choices, not sacrifices

Teachers must also encourage students to view crucial decisions as active choices and not as sacrifices. This technique will keep motivation levels high, especially after a setback, as it encourages students to focus a lot more on what they are trying to achieve and less on what they are missing out on.


Don’t do it alone

The a lot more students isolate themselves, the a lot more likely they are to brood over bad decisions. This leads to an increase in anxiety and frustration, but students who surround themselves with good people and ask for help are better equipped to manage stressful situations.

Teenagers typically see asking for help as a sign of weakness, but encouraging students to use the support available may help them see things Camiseta Newcastle United from another perspective, and make a lot more informed decisions at a important junction in their life.

If you’re already thinking ahead to the next round of exams, who not check out our blog 5 Proven Hacks to help students tackle Revision?

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