How to use mental Imagery for greater Success in sports

benefits of Visualization in Sports

Is visualization or mental imagery a gimmick or a genuine mental game tool to improve athletic performance?

The reality is that numerous athletes do use visualization daily as part of their training regimens–and with terrific success.

These athletes talk about a number of benefits they have received through visualization including:

More confidence

Better focus

Poise under pressure

Greater consistency

Improvement in performance

If so numerous successful athletes visualize, what exactly is holding you back from adopting this reputable performance enhancement strategy?

Wizards Head trainer Scott Brooks is a big believer in the power of visualization.

Brooks was an undersized guard at 5-11, Brooks went undrafted and began his professional season in 1988 with the Albany Patroons of the Continental Basketball association where he was named to the CBA’s All-Rookie team.

The following year, Brooks was signed by the Philadelphia Sixers and went on to play 10 years in the NBA, and he currently ranks top-100 in profession totally free throw percentage, making 85 percent (564-of-664) in the pros.

Brooks credit reports one of his high school coaches for his shooting success and, in particular, one drill his trainer required him to practice daily…

The drill was to imagine his free-throws!

BROOKS: “Visualizing is so huge. My high school trainer taught me that a long time ago. I used to imagine making totally free throws every night.”

As a young high school player, Brooks had a difficult time purchasing into visualization. So to counter Brooks’ skepticism, his high school trainer told him a story that he has relayed to his players.

The tale is of a Vietnam prisoner of war who spent years in solitary confinement…

To pass the time, he imagined playing round after round of golf each and each day even though he never played golf in his lifetime.

After being rescued, the former prisoner chose to make his dream a reality and play his first round of golf.

This newbie golfer carried out just like he mentally rehearsed for years and shot 2 over.

When Brooks took over as the head trainer for the Washington Wizards, he used visualization within the team’s daily routine just like he used to improve his skills on the court.

Brooks knows how vital mental imagery is to athletic success.

Visualization primes you mind and body for success by imprinting successful outcomes in your mind.
The much more you can think of successful repetitions, both mentally and physically, the greater possibility you will replicate those performances in games.

Wizards totally free agent center Ian Mahinmi puts it this way, “It [positive imaging] is like building muscle memory, but for your brain.”

It’s really motor memory. but coaches refer to is as muscle memory.

Imagine how much better you could carry out with greater confidence gained through visualization…

Now visualization or mental rehearsal is much more entailed than that, but through a series of steps, you can take advantage of the benefits of visualization.

Visualization Tips
1. unwind and get comfortable. This will help quiet your mind.
2. See and feel yourself performing how you want to in competition.
3. use all your senses in purchase to have a deeper imaged experience.
4. Rehearse only positive results in the beginning.
5. Immerse yourself in the emotions you would experience when performing successfully.

Bonus tip: Make sure you tap into your dominant learning and performing style when using mental rehearsal. Are you mainly a visual learner or a feel-oriented learned?

You can improve the mental skill of visualization with practice.
So go ahead… think of how successful you could be!

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